In this section you can manage users, their credentials and access rights. Every user will be shown here.
Top right corner contains two fields called Filters
and Search
In the Search field you can quickly filter users by typing string and it will show every user that contains it.
Filters can be created by clicking .
Filters allow you to create your own custom view where you can select what you want to see exactly.
You can create as many filters as you like and then apply them by clicking on the Filters field and selecting the one you need.
Users can also be filtered by their status by clicking on any of the status buttons.
To add a new user, click on the Add button, which will open the user configuration menu on the right side of the screen.
windows in events where user is involved such as access granted.Extended access functionality is currently only supported with HID Aero and Mercury devices, partially with HID VertX (only extended strike time).
These fields are informational and optional.
E-mail is required if you want to use Notifications, to issue a Mobile ID or a QR Code.
To add company, department or title just enter desired name in the corresponding field and click "+" icon. Later, you can type and search for already existing entry.
Following fields are non-mandatory but it's recommended to fill them as they can be used later on when filtering users or creating reports.
In the validity section you can set user vacation, user activation and expiration date and time.
If a user is on vacation - you can temporary disable the user by checking the "Vacation" checkbox and setting the vacation date during which the user will be deactivated.
Deactivated user will not be active and will not gain any access rights in the system.
You can create new user or select existing and set his activation date now or in the future. Also, you can set expiration date, meaning user will not have access rights in the future and also use clean-up settings to remove him from the system.
User activation/expiration and vacation works with HID Aero and Mercury devices.
In this section you can add any additional information about user. These fields are informational and are not used anywhere except user card report.
Values entered here can be used in Search.
To add access level for user - click on Access levels field and select one of the options. You can have multiple access levels per user.
By default Everywhere gives access to all doors in the system.
Location of access level is shown in brackets.
HID VertX controllers support up to 8 access levels per user.
HID Aero and Mercury controllers support up to 32 access levels per user.
Identification set is a collection of credentials such as card, PIN and License plate. Each set can contain only single credential of one type.
You can have multiple identification sets per user.
To add a new identifications set click on Identifications.
To add a card as identification click on "+" button in the corresponding field and Card panel will expand.
Make sure that the required card format is enabled in Settings.
There are a few ways to assign a card:
1. Select card format and enter card number manually (Card data will be generated automatically).
2. Click , select reader, click
and then scan your card with selected reader. All details should fill up.
3. Click and select
to get a list of cards that has been scanned but not assigned to any user. You can select any available card from that list.
4. Click and select
for random card details to be generated.
5. Click and select
to issue Mobile ID. More info on how to issue Mobile ID here.
For e-mail with QR code to be sent out you need to have configured e-mail provider in Notifications.
Click and select
for random card details to be generated. "Send email" checkmark will appear if you have configured e-mail provider in Notifications.
Upon clicking "Save", an email with QR Code will be sent to the address specified in the user's contacts.
To print a card with selected user's details using one of card designer templates - click and select
. You will be presented with "Card Print" pop-up where you can select one of created templates from card designer.
After selecting a template click "Print" button at the bottom left corner of the Card Printing window. Windows print menu will open, select your printer and follow instructions.
To add PIN or License plate number click "+" button in the corresponding field.
To generate Unique PIN code click . You can check users PIN by clicking
PIN code length can be set in settings and it should be between 4 and 8 digits long. It's 4 by default.
Duplicate PIN codes can be used with HID Aero and Mercury devices while using "Card and PIN" authentication mode.
License plate can be used in systems with configured DigiFort license plate recognition module.
After updating any details click Save button for changes to be applied.
PIN only mode on Mercury and HID Aero controllers requires card added as a credential as well. To use PIN only without using real cards, use "Generate unique card" function to generate "dummy" card.
Card and PIN mode requires both card and pin details to be in the same identification set.
Card history can be accessed by going to users identification menu and clicking button which is found in "Card" section.
In card history view you can see who and when assigned and removed a card.
User report contains all information about user that has been entered into CredoID.
To get "User report" select any user from the list and then click . New browser tab will open with generated PDF file which then can be downloaded and/or printed.
User access history shows 10 last Access grant/denied events for selected user. User access history can be opened by going to user list and clicking a button in "History" column.
When selecting more than one user - bulk edits menu opens. Editing users in bulk allows to change certain details for all selected users at once.
Details that are available to edit in bulk:
CSV and Active Directory are supported as import sources.
Import Limitations - up to 8 access levels per user and up to 16 locations per user.
You can import users from LDAP source, mainly Active Directory. Moreover, this will let you pull groups and assign access levels for user entry permissions.
To Import users click Import and import settings window will appear.
primary key
used to identify unique users. First and Last name
or Employee no.
can be used.Overwrite
, Append
or Synchronize
Mode is a very important setting, proceed with caution.
Mode | Description |
Overwrite | Add new users and overwrite existing user data in CredoID. If user already exists, all data will be updated from import source. |
Append | Add new users, update existing user details and append identifications, locations and access levels. Will not remove existing users if they are not present in the source. |
Synchronize | Same as overwrite with exception that users are removed from CredoID if they do not exist in import source. |
Save as scheduled import can be checked to set up a scheduled import:
quartz cron expression
to determine the frequency with which a scheduled task triggers an import job. Enter custom expression or use pre-made ones.A cron expression is a string comprised of 6 or 7 fields separated by white space. Fields can contain any of the allowed values, along with various combinations of the allowed special characters for that field. The fields are as follows:
Seconds | Minutes | Hours | Day of the month | Month | Day of the week | Year |
0-59 | 0-59 | 0-23 | 1-31 | 1-12 or JAN-DEC | 1-7 or SUN-SAT | empty, 1970-2099 |
The fields can also contain various combinations of the allowed special characters for that field. For example, the asterisk (*) special character can be used in all fields to represent all values within the field.
For a list of the allowed special characters in each field and for example expressions, see the Quartz Scheduler documentation
After successful connection to LDAP source binding dialog will pop-up where you can bind user attributes from Active Directory to CredoID fields. Also, it allows you to bind Active Directory groups and their respective members to CredoID access levels.
you can see all fields that are available to use. Search
allows you to quickly filter our necessary field.Attribute
you have a selection field which allows you to bind attribute from your source
to coresponding field in CredoID. Selection field has search functionality as well to quickly filter attributes from source
lets you clear bindings and start over.Default location "Main location" will be used if attribute field is empty.
"Activation date/Expiration date" fields have to follow ISO 8601 date and time standard.
Identification(s) field can be multi-value and must follow one of the following formats:
"CardNumber": "12345",
"FacilityCode": "10",
"VisibleNumber": "12345",
"CardFormatBits": 26,
"PinCode": "1234",
"LicensePlate": "MDP123"
as an example. If you are not using PIN code the value can be 0
you can see all the groups from Active Directory that are available to use. Search
allows you to quickly filter our necessary field.Attribute
you have a selection field which allows you to bind access level from CredoID to coresponding group from Active Directory. Selection field has search functionality as well to quickly filter access levels from CredoID.Clear
lets you clear bindings and start over.To Import users using csv - click Import and select CSV in the top right of pop-up window menu.
In Import settings section select Primary key. It's either “FirstAndLastName” or “EmployeeNumber”. Primary keys must have unique values.
Click Bindings → Import file, select .csv file from your computer and then click Select. Import Bindings window should open.
Default location "Main location" will be used if attribute field is empty.
"Activation date/Expiration date" fields have to follow ISO 8601 date and time standard.
Identification(s) field can be multi-value and must follow one of the following formats:
"CardNumber": "12345",
"FacilityCode": "10",
"VisibleNumber": "12345",
"CardFormatBits": 26,
"PinCode": "1234",
"LicensePlate": "MDP123"
as an example. If you are not using PIN code the value can be 0
Save as scheduled import can be checked to set up a scheduled import:
quartz cron expression
to determine the frequency with which a scheduled task triggers an import job. Enter custom expression or use pre-made ones.A cron expression is a string comprised of 6 or 7 fields separated by white space. Fields can contain any of the allowed values, along with various combinations of the allowed special characters for that field. The fields are as follows:
Seconds | Minutes | Hours | Day of the month | Month | Day of the week | Year |
0-59 | 0-59 | 0-23 | 1-31 | 1-12 or JAN-DEC | 1-7 or SUN-SAT | empty, 1970-2099 |
The fields can also contain various combinations of the allowed special characters for that field. For example, the asterisk (*) special character can be used in all fields to represent all values within the field.
For a list of the allowed special characters in each field and for example expressions, see the Quartz Scheduler documentation
, Append
or Synchronize
.Mode is a very important setting, proceed with caution.
Mode | Description |
Overwrite | Add new users and overwrite existing user data in CredoID. If user already exists, all data will be updated from import source. |
Append | Add new users, update existing user details and append identifications, locations and access levels. Will not remove existing users if they are not present in the source. |
Synchronize | Same as overwrite with exception that users are removed from CredoID if they do not exist in import source. |
Full user list together with credentials can be exported to CSV file. User export also can create ZIP archive and attach all the user profile pictures.
You can also export user list to a simple view PDF. The layout of PDF cannot be customized.
To export users click Export and select format.
User export CSV file is generated with up to 8 access levels per user and up to 16 locations per user.
To reset APB status - select user(s) from a list and click Reset APB button.
After successful reset you should see a message at the bottom of the page.
For users to be exempt from Anti-passback rules - select user from the list and then check Anti-passback exempt under profile picture in the main section.