A cron expression defines the specific time or intervals when a task should execute. The interface provides options to customize the fields for Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Day, Month, and Year.
Selecting "Custom" from available options list will open "Custom cron expression" setup window.

Schedule tasks based on the second(s) of the minute.

This section allows you to define the specific second(s) during a minute when the task will run. The options are:
- Every second - Select this option to run the task at every second of the minute.
- Every X second(s) starting at second Y - Run the task at specific intervals.
- Specific second (choose one or many) - Choose specific seconds during a minute for task execution.
- Every second between second X and Y - Specify a range of seconds where the task will run.
Schedule tasks based on the minute(s) of an hour.

This section allows you to define the specific minute(s) during an hour when the task will run. The options are:
- Every minute - Select this option to run the task at every minute of the hour.
- Every X minute(s) starting at minute Y - Run the task at specific intervals.
- Specific minute (choose one or many) - Choose specific minutes during an hour for task execution.
- Every minute between minute X and Y - Specify a range of minutes where the task will run.
Schedule tasks based on the hour(s) of the day.

This section allows you to define the specific hour(s) during a day when the task will run. The options are:
- Every hour - Select this option to run the task at every hour of the day.
- Every X hour(s) starting at hour Y - Run the task at specific intervals.
- Specific hour (choose one or many) - Choose specific hours during the day for task execution.
- Every hour between hour X and Y - Specify a range of hours where the task will run.
Schedule tasks based on the day(s) of the month.

This section allows you to define the specific day(s) during a week or a month when the task will run. The options are:
- Every day - Select this option to run the task on every day of the month.
- Every X day(s) starting on weekday Y - Run the task starting on specific day of the week.
- Every X day(s) starting on Y day of the month - Run the task starting on specific day of the month.
- Specific day of week (choose one or many) - Choose specific day(s) during the week for task execution.
- Every day between weekday X and weekday Y - Specify a range of weekdays where the task will run.
- Specific day of month (choose one or many) - Choose specific day(s) during the month for task execution.
Schedule tasks based on the month(s) of the year.

This section allows you to define the specific month(s) during a year when the task will run. The options are:
- Every month - Select this option to run the task on every month of the year.
- Every X month(s) starting at month Y - Run the task at specific intervals.
- Specific month (choose one or many) - Choose specific month(s) during the year for task execution.
- Every month between month X and month Y - Specify a range of months where the task will run.
Define specific years for task execution or run tasks every year.

This section allows you to define the specific year(s) when the task will run. The options are:
- Every year - Select this option to run the task every year.
- Every X year(s) starting at year Y - Run the task at specific intervals.
- Specific year (choose one or many) - Choose specific year(s) for task execution.
- Every year between year X and year Y - Specify a range of years where the task will run.
The resulting cron expression is dynamically displayed at the top of the interface.
Once all fields are configured, click the Save button to apply the changes.
Double-check the generated cron expression to ensure it matches your requirements.